You may have seen One Voice in concert, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to serving our mission. Every year, One Voice and our small ensemble Sotto Voce perform at social justice rallies, vigils, LGBT fundraisers, worthwhile community organizations and most anywhere else our presence can support equality and inclusion in Charlotte. We call these performances “run outs.”
Out and about town (and beyond)
Over the past year these run outs have included performances to support the Charlotte Community-Building Initiative, Charlotte Lesbian & Gay Fund, House of Mercy’s AIDS Walk, Theatre Charlotte, Urban Ministry Center and more. We brought LGBT voices to mainstream settings at The Metropolitan, Northlake Mall and the YWCA’s Stand Against Racism uptown on the square. We also took our presence and music into areas of the state without LGBT-affirming choruses such as Mitchell Community College in Statesville and Winston-Salem Pride.
Here’s a rundown of run outs from the previous year:
- Charlotte Community-Building initiative
- Charlotte Pride
- Charlotte Lesbian & Gay Fund allies’ event
- Democratic National Convention event
- House of Mercy AIDS Walk
- Leslie Jordan’s show at Petra’s
- Men’s Shelter of Charlotte
- The Metropolitan & West Elm
- Mitchell Community College
- Northlake Mall event at Dillards
- “Party on Avenue Q” fundraiser for Theatre Charlotte
- Robbie and Peter’s wedding ceremony
- Sounds of Pride concert
- UNCC student’s memorial service
- Urban Ministry Center
- YWCA’s Stand Against Racism
- Winston-Salem Pride
In the coming year, we hope to be even more visible in Charlotte and beyond, serving the region’s LGBT organizations and putting an LGBT face and voice to pertinent issues. Particularly in light of the Amendment 1 voting results from outside the metropolitan areas of North Carolina, the chorus will consciously be doing community outreach to neighboring regions.
If you’d like to have the chorus or ensemble perform at your organization or event, see our booking request form.