Book Us

Thank you for your interest in booking One Voice Chorus. In addition to our regular season of shows, the chorus often sings for public and private events throughout the Charlotte area. We’ve been seen and heard at Bojangles Coliseum for the national anthem, at rallies and fundraisers for LGBT and social justice groups, and at various other events.

Consider having the chorus perform at your next event. Sotto Voce is a small ensemble from within One Voice that performs frequently in community settings as well as with the full chorus, providing a “portable” element to help serve the chorus’s mission. Please keep in mind that the members of the chorus are volunteers, and many of them have day jobs. As such, performances during weekday business hours are a challenge.

Although we will try to accommodate your request for music, the repertoire will be chosen by our artistic staff, and we will provide you the songs we will perform for your event. We do not perform as background music during a cocktail hour.

One Voice appreciates financial gifts and/or donated goods and services to help keep our music and mission thriving. For private sector or corporate events, we request a donation. For fellow non-profits and charitable organizations, we gladly consider gratis community engagement appearances.

While some music can be performed a cappella, longer programs require piano accompaniment. If your venue does not have a piano, an additional fee and additional equipment may be required. In those cases we would need extension cords providing power to the stage.

If your event is outdoors or in a large venue, the chorus will need you to provide the necessary equipment for us to be amplified. November, December and June are the chorus’s busiest months. To avoid disappointment, we recommend that you make your request two months in advance.

One Voice Chorus
PO Box 9241
Charlotte NC, 28299
[email protected]