GALA Choruses is an international organization of gay and lesbian identified and supportive choruses which are as diverse as the communities they represent. GALA’s membership includes over 7,300 lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and their families and friends from 140 choruses in North America, Europe, and Australia. GALA Choruses is dedicated to providing leadership and inspiration to the lesbian and gay movement through excellence in the choral arts.
Together, One Voice Charlotte and other GALA participating choruses are leaving an endowment to the choral world and to the gay and lesbian choral movement. Our music acts as a beacon that enlightens our lives and communities.
GALA Choruses sponsor quadrennial choral festivals and annual leadership conferences; published membership directories, a quarterly newsletter, repertoire listings and other educational materials; and provides management and artistic support to member choruses. GALA Festival IX, featured more than 6,000 singers from 160 ensembles in Denver, CO in Summer 2012. Under the direction of Gerald Gurss, One Voice Chorus received resounding praise for our artistry and programming from our peers.
GALA Choruses is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation.
For more information, please click over to their website: